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A Brief Introduction To Carelink Personal Software

« WeCare Blog | July 14, 2020 |
A Brief Introduction To Carelink Personal Software

Discover the benefits of using the diabetes management system, CareLink Personal Software, and how it improves your diabetes outcomes1-4.

The COVID-19 global pandemic has impacted each one of us, in similar and different ways. Whilst some countries remain under lock down, other countries are relaxing these restrictions. Our usual routines have been interrupted and our priorities have changed. Between managing a new lifestyle and not having the usual access to services, it can become a challenge to manage our health, especially for those who are living with diabetes. However, not all is bleak. We are also living in a time where technology is rapidly evolving and catering to our needs. This is the time to make optimal use of technology that is readily available to us, such as CareLinkTM Personal Software.

What is CareLinkTM Personal Software ?

  • CareLinkTM Personal Software is a free diabetes management system that gathers essential data such as daily glucose levels, directly from your insulin pump device and stores it online for your use*.
  • CareLinkTM Personal Software offers a more personal approach to give you and your diabetes healthcare team valuable insights, a chance to closely collaborate and empower therapy decisions that are most suited to you and your needs.

What are the benefits of CareLinkTM Personal Software?

  • Gives you an overview of your daily glucose levels 
  • Collects data from your device and converts it into graphs and reports for easy viewing
  • Easily identify if your glucose levels are high or low 
  • Easily identify trends and patterns
  • Have access to your diabetes data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Ability to track your personal progress using CareLinkTM Reports 
  • View the same reports as your diabetes healthcare team**
  • Share your data with your diabetes healthcare team without going to the clinic**
  • Work remotely with your diabetes healthcare team to improve your diabetes outcomes1-4**
  • Adjust your diabetes routine if needed (change in insulin dose, eating habits, exercise)**

How do I register for CareLinkTM Personal Software ?

  • Register and follow the steps on the CareLinkTM  Personal Software website:

How do I install and upload to CareLinkTM Personal Software? 

  • You will need to have the following equipment:
    • Access to a computer with a reliable internet connection. Please ensure your computer is using Windows/ MacOS and that you have access to USB ports.
    • CareLink™ USB connectivity device (if you use a MiniMed Veo insulin pump) or CONTOUR NEXT LINK 2.4 meter (if you use a MiniMed 640G / 670G insulin pump).

Download the CareLink Guide Book for the following:

  • How to Register your CareLink™ Account – page 2
  • How to Install CareLink™ – page 3
  • How to upload your pump to CareLink™ – page 4
  • How to generate a report – page 5

* For further information, please refer to CareLinkTM Personal Guide Book.
CareLinkTM Personal Software is intended for use as a adjunctive tool to help manage diabetes and is NOT intended to be relied upon by itself. For detailed information regarding the instructions for use, indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events, please consult the device manual.
**Please note, to work remotely with your diabetes healthcare team, your CareLinkTM Personal account and your diabetes healthcare teams CareLinkTM Personal account must be linked. 

We hope our brief introduction to CareLinkTM Personal Software and its many benefits has been useful to you.  In the following article, we will explore the different types of reports provided by CareLinkTM Personal Software. We will also provide guidance on how to analyse these reports and how you can collaborate with your diabetes healthcare team to effectively manage your diabetes during this COVID-19 pandemic.

 Please take care and stay safe! 

1.    Zimmerman C. Albanese-O’Neill A. Haller MJ , Europ Endocrinol.2019;15(2):70–6
2.    Saraswathi S. Al-Khawaga S. Elkum N. Hussain K. Front. Endocrinol. 2019.10(805):1-19
3.    Shalitin S, et al. Acta Diabetol. 2014; 51(2):247-56
4.    Corriveau EA. et al. Pediatric Diabetes 2008: 9(Part II): 360–366