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« WeCare Blog | July 14, 2020 |

Discover the types of reports, how to identify trends and analyse data on CareLinkTM Personal Software to improve your diabetes outcomes. 

As the global pandemic continues and we adapt to our new routines. It can become a challenge to manage our health, especially for those who are living with diabetes. By using CareLinkTM Personal Software, people living with diabetes can work remotely with their diabetes healthcare team to improve their health1-4. What does this data mean and how can I use it to manage my diabetes? In today’s edition, we will give a brief introduction on the types of reports available on CareLinkTM 

Personal Software. We will then provide step by step guidance on how to understand the different reports. Finally, we will discuss how CareLinkTM Personal Software can be used remotely to partner with your diabetes healthcare team. 

What types of reports are available on CareLinkTM Personal Software?  What do these reports mean?


  • Evaluates glucose management for a specific day
  • Records the exact time when you changed your infusion set 
  • Records the exact time and amount of carbohydrate entered (into the device) throughout the day
  • Records the exact time and amount of insulin taken throughout the day
  • Records any exits when using SmartGuardTM AutoMode feature  ( if using the MiniMed™ 670G system)
  • Evaluates the amount of time spent within the parameters set by your diabetes health care team for the specified day


  • Evaluates the overall mean sensor glucose for the past 7 days 
  • Identifies glucose variability 
  • Identifies number and duration of hypos and hypers experienced in the week
  • Records the amount of insulin you have taken
  • Identifies when you changed your infusion set
  • Records any exits when using SmartGuardTM AutoMode feature  ( if using the MiniMed™ 670G system)


  • Evaluates the overall mean sensor glucose from 7 -14 days 
  • Compares current data against previous data, so you can see the progress you are making 
  • Identifies number and duration of hypos and hypers experienced
  • Evaluates the amount of time spent within the target range set by your diabetes health care team 
  • Records the amount of carbohydrates entered (into the device) and insulin taken
  • Records any exits when using SmartGuardTM AutoMode feature ( if using the MiniMed™ 670G system)
  • Provides insights to behavourial patterns


  • Identifies the number of boluses
  • Identifies the programmed carb ratio
  • Calculates the average amount of carbs and the average bolus size 
  • Evaluates the effect of the boluses on overall glucose control


  • Records blood glucose readings
  • Records the amount of time spent wearing CGM
  • Compares the frequency of manual bolus and bolus wizardTM boluses
  • Records time and duration when the pump was suspended
  • Records reservoir and infusion set change 
  • Provides insights to changes in behaviour 


  • Records time and number of boluses throughout the day 
  • Calculates the average of carbohydrates entered and insulin taken in the day
  • Records daily totals to see average glucose readings compared to other days
  • Records skipped meals


  • Shows all programmed basal rate patterns
  • Views which basal pattern is currently in use
  • Views bolus wizardTM settings
  • Views Sensor settings
  • Views Alert settings

How can I work remotely with my diabetes healthcare team using CareLinkTM Personal Software?

  • You can link your CareLink™ Personal Software account with your diabetes healthcare teams CareLink™ system account to share the data you upload at home and in clinic
  • Collaborate with your diabetes healthcare team to assess how your current treatment regimen is effective or any adjustments (such as insulin or diet) are needed
  • You can choose to generate single or multiple reports
  • Reports can be viewed online, saved, printed and emailed as a PDF file for personal use

For further information, please refer to CareLinkTM Personal Guide Book.
CareLinkTM Personal Software is intended for use as a adjunctive tool to help manage diabetes and is NOT intended to be relied upon by itself. For detailed information regarding the instructions for use, indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events, please consult the device manual.


We hope our overview and interactive guides has given you the confidence you need to understand the different reports available to you on CareLinkTM Personal Software and how you can collaborate with your diabetes healthcare team to effectively manage your diabetes during this COVID-19 pandemic. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing us to support you on your diabetes journey. 


Please take care and stay safe!