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« WeCare Blog | December 1, 2017 |

It is that wonderful time of the year - children are finishing school, the festive season is nearing, and summer is finally here! This is also the time when most of us travel.

The great thing about holidays and travelling is that we tend to break out of our routines. New activities and experiences, different food, long flights and different time zones can all affect your diabetes control. It is thus even more important to ensure that you monitor your glucose levels and be prepared to respond should need be. 

Packing for your trip may take some planning but will ensure that you enjoy your break. Before you leave home, make sure that you take enough insulin, glucose, test strips and consumables with you. You might even consider taking a backup meter and an insulin pen. In most cases, when traveling by plane, it is strongly recommended that you carry all this with you in your hand luggage. We also recommend that you save the following Medtronic 24 Hour Support numbers on your phone:


South Africa 0800 633 7867

Sub-Sahara +2711 260 9490

International +1.818.576.5555


You might be traveling through different time zones and spend many hours in the air. It is always advisable to discuss with your health care provider when you should adjust the time on your insulin pump.

When traveling by plane, we advise that you carry your Travel Information Card with you and please take note of the following 

Travel Information Card


  • It is important to notify security screening personnel that you have diabetes, that you are wearing an insulin pump and that you have diabetes supplies in your hand luggage.
  • Remember, you can continue to wear your insulin pump with the transmitter while going through common security systems such as airport metal detector, but do not send the devices through the x-ray machine. Please refer to possible Equipment Interference
  • Should you go through an airport body scanner, remove your insulin pump and transmitter. You may however keep your devices on you and request an alternative pat-down screening. 


Once you are in the air, it is time to relax and ensure that you enjoy every minute of your well-deserved break!