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Together as 1

« WeCare Blog | July 14, 2020 |
Together as 1

In these uncertain times, at Medtronic we believe that no step is too small to make a difference, whether you are staying at home to protect your own health and the health of your family, or you are on the frontlines, serving society’s most vulnerable. We thank you for taking that step. In today’s edition, we would like to show our appreciation for all you have done and are doing. 

We have had to weather the hardest of storms in the toughest of times. And we did so, together. Staying apart has been hard, feeling isolated and wondering about what lies ahead can be daunting. In these times of uncertainty, please remember that you are not alone. Medtronic has and will always be by your side. You are part  of our family, the Medtronic family. For the steps you have had to take, and for the tough decisions you have had to make, we thank you. 

We hope our short messege, helps portay how much we appreciate everything you are doing.

Please take care and stay safe!  CareLink