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Alexander Is Excited And Ready For Grade R

« WeCare Blog | December 1, 2017 |
Alexander Is Excited And Ready For Grade R

We had the privilege of chatting to Nici Krüger, proud Mom of Alexander. Alexander was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes just before his 5th birthday.

He was drinking a lot more water than usual and this caused him to go to the toilet constantly.  Like most parents of newly diagnosed children, Nici didn’t recognize the symptoms immediately and this sparked a passion in her to educate others around her, because she knows this can happen to anyone. 

“Diabetes is a life changing experience which affects the whole family.  You need to create a new life for yourself and your child.”  The biggest challenge they face is dealing with the unpredictable blood glucose readings as Alexander currently shows no symptoms of high or low glucose levels.  Sending him back to school or to visit his grandparents for the day became a challenge. 

Alexander’s Paediatric Endocrinologist recommended Guardian Connect.  With real-time CGM, Alexanders’ parents can track his glucose levels on their phones.  They can also receive text messages when his glucose level drops below or rise above his target range. 

This made a huge impact at school level - “Without it Alexander would not be able to go to school.  I can stay involved and I can make a call, should he need assistance.” Guardian Connect also gives his teachers extra peace of mind as they know that Alexander’s mom is monitoring him and will call them should they need to step in. “Now we can leave him with friends and family, knowing we are still in control.”

A challenge for many parents of young type 1 diabetic children is the potential impact the condition can have on their relationship. For Nici, Guardian Connect gave them the freedom back to have an evening together every now and then - something they loved to do before the diagnosis. 

Sleep is another factor that often becomes a luxury for any parent of a type 1 child. “I can actually have a peaceful night, knowing Guardian Connect will wake me up.  I can’t even count the number of times we had to wake him up at night to manage a hypo! While we are sleeping, Guardian Connect is working.”

Alexander is going to Grade R next year.  We are looking forward to hearing about the next chapter in his life.