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MiniMed Set and Reservoir change frequency: Tips and Suggestions

« WeCare Blog | May 18, 2017 |
Tips & Tricks
MiniMed Set and Reservoir change frequency: Tips and Suggestions

Whilst it’s really important to change our insulin cartridge and cannula every 3 days (every 2 on steel cannulas), it can sometimes be difficult to remember when the last set change was. So here are a couple of my top tips to help remember;

  • Set a phone alert to remind you of the next set change
  • Mark it on a calendar or in a diary to help you remember when the last change was
  • Filling the cannula with enough insulin for just over the 3 days can help prevent insulin wastage (remember priming insulin etc)
  • Changing the reservoir at the same time as the cannula after 3 days saves remembering two different events
  • Regularly rotating sites every 3 days can help give the injection site time to recover, possibly reducing the occurrence of insulin lumps
  • Be sure to check / keep a close eye on glucose levels after a set change to ensure the needle has been inserted properly
  • Set a reminder on your blood glucose monitor if it has the capacity to make alerts, to remind you
  • Check and get rid of air bubbles before priming the tubing, and whilst feeding the insulin through the tubing before attaching the pump, hold the pump and wire vertically to help remove extra air bubbles
  • Remember to rotate sites to give the old one a rest
  • Carry a diabetes ‘kit case’ of double the supplies in case of doing a set change when out, you have a spare set of consumables just in case

If you'd like to find out more about Mel’s journey with diabetes, doing sport and being on an insulin pump, you can find more information here:



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