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How to care for your MiniMed™ insulin pump

« WeCare Blog | March 13, 2020 |
How to care for your MiniMed™ insulin pump

Written by the WeCare team based on feedback from people with diabetes using MiniMed™ pump therapy.

Your MiniMed™ insulin pump will go everywhere with you and will be by your side through many highs and lows (figuratively and literally)!

Since your insulin pump will be with you for the ride during your life adventures, why not take a few minutes to keep your pump in tip-top shape? Read on to find five top tips shared by MiniMed™ insulin pump users.

Remember to keep any eye for our next WeCare newsletter where we will share another five top tips from our MiniMed™ insulin pump users.

  1. Clean Your Pump with a Mild Detergent

When it’s time to clean your pump, wash your hands and use a cloth mixed with mild detergent such as dish soap, and water, to wipe your pump clean. You can use a clean, dry cloth and alcohol wipes (70% max strength) to disinfect your pump. Whilst cleaning your insulin pump do not place your pump under running water or submerge it into any liquids.

  1. Make Sure Your Hands Are Clean

Avoid exposure to sunscreens, lotions, insect repellents, household and organic cleaning agents. So, if you’re spending the day cleaning or put lotion on, be sure to wash and dry your hands before handling your pump after using these types of products.

  1. Open and Close your battery cap with a Coin or Belt Clip

Did you know, on the MiniMed™ 640G and MiniMed™ 670G systems, you can use the bottom of your belt clip to open your battery cap. Just detach the belt clip and use it to open and/or close your battery cap. It is a dual- purpose tool.

  1. Place your pump in a case

In addition to offering new ways to show your style, cases can help provide a cushion against bumps during your daily activities and come in a variety of different materials and colours. You could even make these accessories part of your signature style. Here are some of our favourites:

  • Silicone skins: low-profile skins that wrap around a belt clip, cosmetically enhance, and help resist scratching.
  • Sports cases/ sports waist pouch/Coolmax™ Sports shirts: heavy duty protection made from water and soil resistant materials (great for any of your adventure seekers.
  • Pouches: act as a comfortable layer between your pump and skin to clip on to your waistband, pocket or bra.

Why not visit our Medtronic eShop to find the above-listed accessories.

  1. Add a screen film

Just like a screen protector that you might have on your mobile phone, we also have them available for your pump! A screen protector is a simple way to add a buffer for day-to-day wear and tear that could impact your screen. For example, if you keep your pump in your pocket with your keys or wear it on your hip during outdoor adventures, this can add an extra layer of protection to keep it smooth and protected.

