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Google Autocomplete Series: Is Type 1 Diabetes…?

« WeCare Blog | September 8, 2021 |
Google Autocomplete Series: Is Type 1 Diabetes…?

Are you living with diabetes? Or was someone close to you recently diagnosed? It’s normal to have many questions about the condition, how it arises, and how to manage it. When your healthcare team isn’t available, it’s also normal to turn to search engines to answer your questions.

We used the autocomplete feature available on Google to find out what people’s most searched questions are around type 1 diabetes. In this piece, we answer the eight most searched questions that start with the phrase is type 1 diabetes…? that people inputted into the Google search engine.

  1. Is Type 1 Diabetes Genetic?
    Google Autocomplete Search Phrase: Is Type 1 Diabetes Genetic
    Research has explored the relationship of the genetic code in the development of type 1 diabetes. Some people have genes that make them significantly more susceptible to developing type 1 diabetes, specifically those named HLA, INS, CTLA4, and PTPN22 gene variants.1,2 However, not all people with these genes develop type 1 diabetes since environmental factors, including diet, stress, and exposure to toxins, may “turn on” gene expression.1
  2. Is Type 1 Diabetes A Disability?
    Google Autocomplete Search Phrase: Is Type 1 Diabetes A Disability
    If you or someone you know is living with type 1 diabetes, you may not consider yourself disabled. In some countries, however, there are regulations in place that define diabetes as a disability to protect people living with diabetes from discrimination.
    For example, in the UK, type 1 diabetes is included in the Equality Act, meaning that it is qualified as a disability.3 This prevents employers, schools, and public programs from discriminating against a person living with type 1 diabetes and gives victims a course of action in case they are discriminated against because of their health condition.
  3. Is Type 1 Diabetes An Autoimmune Disease?
    Google Autocomplete Search Phrase: Is Type 1 Diabetes An Autoimmune Disease?
    Yes. An autoimmune disease is one where the immune system mistakenly destroys the body’s own cells. When a person is living with type 1 diabetes, the T-cell of the immune system destroys the cells in the pancreas responsible for producing insulin [beta cells].1
  4. Is Type 1 Diabetes Curable?
    Google Autocomplete Search Phrase: Is Type 1 Diabetes Curable
    Unfortunately, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes. Researchers are working hard to find solutions, including transplants, vaccines, and drugs, to treat and cure diabetes, but, currently, there are no treatments that are approved for clinical use.4
  5. Is Type 1 Diabetes Reversible?
    Google Autocomplete Search Phrase: Is Type 1 Diabetes Reversible
    Just like there is no cure for type 1 diabetes, type 1 diabetes cannot be reversed.4 As treatment and management protocols currently stand, a person living with type 1 diabetes will need to continue administering insulin and monitoring their blood glucose levels throughout their lives. However, current diabetes management plans and monitoring tools allow people living with type 1 diabetes to live a relatively normal, healthy life.
  6. Does A Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis Mean A Person Is Insulin-Dependent?
    Google Autocomplete Search Phrase: Is Type 1 Diabetes Insulin Dependent
    Yes. Type 1 Diabetes is a condition where the body’s immune T cells mistakenly destroy the pancreas’ beta-cells, which are the cells responsible for making insulin. Insulin is the hormone that is needed to move glucose into the body’s cells.5 The term insulin-dependent means that the body needs to obtain its insulin from external sources, such as insulin pumps or insulin injections.
  7. Is Type 1 Diabetes Dangerous To A Person’s Health?
    Google Autocomplete Search Phrase: Is Type 1 Diabetes Dangerous
    Type 1 diabetes can be dangerous to a person’s health and wellbeing if it is not diagnosed early on or if it is not well managed. Your diabetes healthcare team can help you implement well-researched protocols, including a balanced diet, exercise, carb counting, and insulin management. Monitoring your glucose levels and leading a healthy lifestyle can help you lead an overall healthy life.5
  8. Is Type 1 Diabetes A Chronic Disease?
    Google Autocomplete Search Phrase: Is Type 1 Diabetes A Chronic Illness
    Yes. A chronic disease, also called a non-communicable disease [NCD], as defined by the World Health Organisation, is one that “tend to be of long duration and are the result of a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental and behaviours factors… The main types of NCDs are cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes.”6
    Since type 1 diabetes is a lifelong and not currently not curable, it is calssifed as a chronic condition.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we answered some of the questions most commonly asked about type 1 diabetes on the Google search engine, all in one place.

Remember that knowledge is power when it comes to managing your type 1 diabetes. While this information can help you understand type 1 diabetes, it is essential to always speak with your diabetes healthcare team about specific treatment and management options.


  1. Wang Z, Xie Z, Lu Q, Chang C, Zhou Z. Beyond Genetics: What Causes Type 1 Diabetes. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2016;52[2]:273-286.
  2. Robertson C, Rich S. Genetics of type 1 diabetes. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2018;50:7-16.
  3. Diabetes Advocacy Book. Diabetes UK. 2015. Available at: [Accessed July 2021].
  4. Cure research for type 1 diabetes - JDRF, the type 1 research funder. JDRF, the type 1 diabetes charity. 2018. Available at: [Accessed July 2021].
  5. Type 1 diabetes. Diabetes UK. ND. Available at: [Accessed July 2021].
  6. Non-communicable diseases. 2018. Available at: [Accessed July 2021].