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Behind the scenes with the Diabetes Product Support Team

« WeCare Blog | March 13, 2020 |
Behind the scenes with the Diabetes Product Support Team

Gain a unique insight into our UK Product Support team and find out more about the personality behind the voice. Medtronic's Product Support team are available for you to call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week regarding any technical issues you may come across.

Name: Blazej Jankowski

How long have you been with Medtronic? 2 Years

What is the most frequently asked question (FAQ) you receive: How quick can I get my pump replaced?

The unusual question: Where is your name from? you sound different

Fun Fact about yourself: The meaning of my name in Polish: He who stutters.

Name: Junell Harrington

How long have you been with Medtronic?2 and a half years

What is the most FAQ you receive: How do I upload my pump onto CareLink™?

The unusual question: Can I wear my pump during an operation?

Fun Fact about yourself: I love traveling around the world! Trying new foods and experiencing different cultures.

Name: Danilo Machin (Danny)

How long have you been with Medtronic? A week short of 2 years & 4 months (having started in the Iberia product support team and then moved to UK & Ireland product support team)

What is the most FAQ you receive?:“Where are you from? I can’t quite place the accent…”

What is the most unusual question you have been asked? Once a patient on a call when asking if there is anything else I could help them with, the patient said: “Could you please come and live here and be on call to assist me whenever there’s an issue please??”

Tell us a fun fact about yourself: I’m born in South Africa, grew up in Brazil, studied in Switzerland and the US and have visited 5 of the 7 continents. Looking forward to Australia and Antarctica trips one day!!

