Do you need to place a new request for a replacement insulin pump?
If you require a replacement for your insulin pump and did not place a request before, please contact 01923205167 (option 2).
Your Medtronic Diabetes Team
Thank you for visiting this website. At Medtronic, patient safety is our top priority. Over the past months, combined efforts across several Medtronic departments have resulted in the shipment of replacement insulin pumps to pump users so they can continue their therapy. The majority of our pump users have already received or will be receiving their replacement pumps in the following weeks. Therefore, we have decided to close the replacement pump request form on this website.
Do you need to place a new request for a replacement insulin pump?
If you require a replacement for your insulin pump and did not place a request before, please contact 01923205167 (option 2).
Your Medtronic Diabetes Team
Medtronic serial numbers are found on the back of the pump, e.g. AA1234567A.
You have the explanation of each request below, please click on the dropdown next to each option for more information :
If you select this option; you will receive a replacement for your clear retainer ring pump when available. And you will need to return your clear retainer ring pump after you receive a replacement pump. You will need to follow the return instructions that Medtronic will provide to you.
If you select this option; you already use a black retainer ring pump but still have the clear retainer ring pump, which you will return to Medtronic. You will need to follow the return instructions that Medtronic will provide to you.
If you chose this option; you will need to follow the return instructions that Medtronic will provide to you.
If you select this option; you chose to continue using the clear retainer ring pump.
IMPORTANT: Medtronic strongly recommends replacing the clear retainer ring pump. Before choosing this option, Medtronic recommends consulting with your healthcare professional